I have had many of the previously mentioned experiences...but this one tops them all...so far anyway! Let's back up about 10-15 years...if you want to know about some of me and my family's back story...ready about us here.
Anywho...do you ever just have THOSE days? Those days where you walk into a room into the same mess that you've asked you family to clean up 1,093 times? Ugh...totally had one of those the other day. My kids and I got home late and it was their bedtime, so we went upstairs to their bedrooms to get them ready for bed. Jammies, cups, diapers, meds etc...but instead...the dreaded garbage monster came out of me...
Oh. My. Soul. There were tears, gnashing of teeth, and lots of crying...after many times of threatening my daughter with the line, "If you don't' pick up these toys I will get a garbage bag and throw them all away!" she was calling my bluff...continuously. In fact, at one time she said, "That's ok momma...I don't want to clean them up anyway...you go ahead and throw them away." Excuse me little girl?! NO WAY. So, I grabbed a garbage bag and literally started to throw toys, clothes etc away into the bag. Let's be real, I didn't ACTUALLY throw them away...but as far as Vaelyn is concerned...they're gone, when really they are downstairs in our basement. :-) Muahaha...
Anyway, if you read our family post you'll know I get this particular trait of a short temper from my dad...so, imagine my complete shock when I hear the exact words I promised myself I would never say, come right out of my mouth so easily...eat crow much?! Sheesh.
Well kiddies, I hope you all are doing well. I really, really, REALLy hope that I'm not the only mom out there that has the occasional garbage monster come out of her.
At the risk of totally embarrassing myself...this was my face most of the night:
Anywho...do you ever just have THOSE days? Those days where you walk into a room into the same mess that you've asked you family to clean up 1,093 times? Ugh...totally had one of those the other day. My kids and I got home late and it was their bedtime, so we went upstairs to their bedrooms to get them ready for bed. Jammies, cups, diapers, meds etc...but instead...the dreaded garbage monster came out of me...
Oh. My. Soul. There were tears, gnashing of teeth, and lots of crying...after many times of threatening my daughter with the line, "If you don't' pick up these toys I will get a garbage bag and throw them all away!" she was calling my bluff...continuously. In fact, at one time she said, "That's ok momma...I don't want to clean them up anyway...you go ahead and throw them away." Excuse me little girl?! NO WAY. So, I grabbed a garbage bag and literally started to throw toys, clothes etc away into the bag. Let's be real, I didn't ACTUALLY throw them away...but as far as Vaelyn is concerned...they're gone, when really they are downstairs in our basement. :-) Muahaha...
Anyway, if you read our family post you'll know I get this particular trait of a short temper from my dad...so, imagine my complete shock when I hear the exact words I promised myself I would never say, come right out of my mouth so easily...eat crow much?! Sheesh.
Well kiddies, I hope you all are doing well. I really, really, REALLy hope that I'm not the only mom out there that has the occasional garbage monster come out of her.
At the risk of totally embarrassing myself...this was my face most of the night:
bahaha, oh man. I definitely go the worst of this. Nowadays I would appreciate a garbage monster for all of my crap. :)