Sunday, January 5, 2014

Birthday...Stinky Feet...Forehead Wrinkle...Leaky Faucets...

Well, it's inevitable...I will be turning 27 a week from tomorrow. OMGGGGGG....for real?! People. That's almost 30, which is almost 39, which is almost 40, which is almost my kids graduating from HS, which is almost 50, which is almost becoming a Grandma, which is almost really 65, which is almost the nursing home...I'm having anxiety about my nursing home roommate that I'll have to choose next week! Ha!

In all seriousness, I was recently writing/updating my list of "What I Want To Do Before I Turn 30" and it made me realize how much I really want to accomplish before I get there. Which of course started making me feel inadequate about what I have accomplished or NOT accomplished so far in my life...which isn't really fair because I think I've accomplished quite a bit. While having coffee with a friend she encouraged me to write down 26 fun things/accomplishment/facts/details about me representing each year of my life. Sounded weird but I thought it would be a great "New Year" blog post. :-) Fair warning, this one is boring...not fun or interesting with food, furniture reno, or recipes. More for me than anyone...Don't say I didn't' warn you!

1. I'm a wife and mommy. In a sea of blondes. I'm a blonde too...but a fake one. :-)
2. I'm super independent.
3. I own and operate 3 successful businesses. Debt free.
4. I have a giant wrinkle on my forehead from all the goofy faces I make
5. I love taking selfies. What better way to express yourself? Hence the wrinkle...
6. I'm vertically challenged. Short stack all the way.
7. I am obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes and chai teas from Starbucks.
8. I love llamas. Like, I want to own a llama. Or at least visit the llama farm. The one only 5 min away.
9. I wish to see a 3 hump camel someday.
10. My dream vaca destination is NYC at Christmastime.
11. I love wearing heels. Makes me feel like princess.
12. I love glitter. And gold. And glittery gold. Whether it's on my wrist, my shoes or a Christmas ornament.
13. I am a conspiracy theorist. Things from JFK to chem trails...or "com trails" for you regulars.. :-)
14. I trip and fall over/up almost anything.
15. I am a goddess in the kitchen.
16. I love music. Singing it. Playing it. Dancing to it. Singing AND dancing to it in the shower.
17. I am a control freak. It's kind of a problem.
18. I am a foodie. I love trying out new places, especially local ones.
19. I love helping women change their lives.
20. I love make up and being fancy.
21. I also love yoga pants and sweatshirts.
22. I HATE socks.
23. My feet smell wicked bad...probably from the hating socks? Gross sorry.
24. I want to write a cookbook someday.
25. I am a water freak. Swimming, water polo, skiing, tubing, scuba diving, snorkeling.
26. I am also deathly afraid of water. Leaky faucets, running toilets and fire hydrants being emptied about make me lose my mind. Weirdo, I know.

Well folks, there it is. Some boring and weirdo facts about me. Guess I should add a 27th one in honor of my birthday next Monday...

27. I am a bit sassy. I refuse to be taken for granted or bossed around. I won't be second fiddle or treated as such.

I'm rereading this post and wondering what the point was of this?! I don't even remember at this point. :-) but alas, I will post. Even if it's to just give someone a laugh about my constant tripping, giant forehead wrinkle or stinky feet. Stay warm today folks! More posts coming your way soon. Pics below to help your imagination... ha!



  1. Love you seesta, even though you can be slightly ridiculous at times :D

  2. Stumbled across your blog as I was proving to my daughter that--although she feels like the only Vaelyn in the word--she is not. I told her that when I named her Vaelyn in 2005, there were about 2000 hits for "Vaelyn" via Google. Today, there are over 9000--one of which was your blog. Small world, huh? :)
