Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirates Room for Me...

Well, good morning friends! Has everyone recovered from their chocolate overdoses from Valentine's Day? Or for you men out there, have you recovered from your punishment of forgetting V-day?! :-)

Today, I am going to share today about one of my FAVORITE projects/room redoes ever! My son, Maddox's, pirate room! Here we go...

Maddox's room was already a nice beige/khaki color when we moved in, We decided to keep said color on 3 walls. We added multi colored stripes to the focus wall (which is where I was planning on putting his crib and name) the tutorial on how to do the perfect stripes here

Once the stripes were done, we decided that we wanted to put his name somewhere on this striped wall. It still (believe it or not) needed something to break up all the bold colors and personalize it to my baby boy. I was at Lowes brainstorming about finding some funky old wood pieces that I could write his name on and hang on the wall. Frustrated and irritated that nothing was grabbing my attention, I walked down a random aisle on my way to the exit and saw it....THE ONE....the exact thing that was in my brain but I couldn't articulate to anyone else. Rope. Awesome, nautical, pirate-y looking rope. I was beside myself with excitement! They sold the rope by the foot...I think it was $0.25/ft...or you could buy a large pre cut amount. I bought 30 ft and it was $4.99. Score! 

Then I started the brainstorming process on just HOW I was going to write his name with this fabulous rope. I thought about hot gluing it...stapling it and even using screws or nails. All of white would've shown through or destroyed the wall. I remembered working on a project for a wall in my master bedroom with pins (which I will share someday) and decided I would try it. Pins are AMAZEBALLS for wall projects/art. They leave tiny holes and go into the drywall so easily. So, I grabbed my little box of flat head pins and a hammer and got to work. I tried to kind of eyeball where to start/finish his name but all in all, it wasn't perfectly centered...which is why I ended up adding the anchor and his middle name. I'm SO glad that it wasn't centered the first time or I never would've added those two things that just make the wall pop. I held the rope on the wall the way I wanted to formulate each letter and put in about 150 or so pins. Isn't it ADORBS?!

Next step was to find some bedding and accessories to complete his little pirate room! I got the striped crib duvet and sheet from Ikea for $4.99. The treasure chest you see in the corner was a steal from Hobby Lobby on clearance for $10! That's his toy box and "catch all". It's so cute and just screams treasures!! On the far wall you can kind of see one of his picture frames. It's a large black piece of wood that is lacquered black with magnetic frames with pics of him, us and our family. There are smaller painted magnets that consist of a wave, sailboat, pirate flag, family sign, treasure map and treasure chest. I got these from a local artists store, Roeda. Check out their website here. Basically, it's painted metal pieces with magnets on the back. Moveable and changeable art. Awesome. 

I decided to hang a basic black shelf for little knick knacks until I finish his pallet wall project. That one is coming soon....I got the little pirate monkey (which started this whole pirate monkey theme) from target on clearance for $1.98..I bought a few of those little guys when Maddox was only 5 months old...I bought them for his 1st birthday party. haha! Plan ahead much?! The "Maddox" wooden name sign is from the Ann Arbor Art Fair from a specific vendor who does these amazing name puzzles, regular wood puzzles and the list goes on. 

Full view!
Cute pirate Octopus from Target!
Fun Coat Anchor Hanger

A lot of these little treasures were from thrift stores or hobby lobby. The mini treasure chest I got from hobby lobby on clearance for $5! I filled it with little gold coins or "gold doubloons" as Vaelyn calls them. The pirate ship up there is the piƱata from Maddox's party. The red nautical jar is from Hobby Lobby as well, as is the anchor coat hanger and material! The key with any kids room is don't be too matchy or get your undies in a bunch if a shade of green doesn't match perfectly. It's what gives a room character. Don't be predictable... :-) For example, the green on Maddox's wall, rug, bedding and chair are all a bit different from each other. 

And....just for fun....some pics of us "pirates"!

L-R Vaelyn, Me and Maddox
Trying out our pirate mustaches for M's pirate party.

Mr. & Mrs. Pirate :-)
Yes, we made everyone get a mustache drawn on them. We are cool like that 

Come on guys....isn't he the CUTEST pirate evah?!

Thank you for reading this novel post....I am THRILLED about how his room turned out. Just wait til you see his new big boy bed in there!! Sad but so fun! Enjoy your weekend mateys! 

Anna and my crew of pirates.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Garbage Monster....

Let's talk about our parents....let's talk about how we always say, "when I grow up I will NEVER do this to my kids!"...let's talk about that first moment as a parent when we hear our mom or dad come out of our mouth....pure awesomeness.

I have had many of the previously mentioned experiences...but this one tops them far anyway! Let's back up about 10-15 years...if you want to know about some of me and my family's back story...ready about us here. you ever just have THOSE days? Those days where you walk into a room into the same mess that you've asked you family to clean up 1,093 times? Ugh...totally had one of those the other day. My kids and I got home late and it was their bedtime, so we went upstairs to their bedrooms to get them ready for bed. Jammies, cups, diapers, meds etc...but instead...the dreaded garbage monster came out of me...

Oh. My. Soul. There were tears, gnashing of teeth, and lots of crying...after many times of threatening my daughter with the line, "If you don't' pick up these toys I will get a garbage bag and throw them all away!" she was calling my bluff...continuously. In fact, at one time she said, "That's ok momma...I don't want to clean them up go ahead and throw them away." Excuse me little girl?! NO WAY. So, I grabbed a garbage bag and literally started to throw toys, clothes etc away into the bag. Let's be real, I didn't ACTUALLY throw them away...but as far as Vaelyn is concerned...they're gone, when really they are downstairs in our basement. :-) Muahaha...

Anyway, if you read our family post you'll know I get this particular trait of a short temper from my, imagine my complete shock when I hear the exact words I promised myself I would never say, come right out of my mouth so crow much?! Sheesh.

Well kiddies, I hope you all are doing well. I really, really, REALLy hope that I'm not the only mom out there that has the occasional garbage monster come out of her.

At the risk of totally embarrassing myself...this was my face most of the night:


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We Are Family!!!

It's that time!!! I started writing my Garbage Monster post and realized it just wasn't complete without introducing and explaining my wonderful family. So, here we go. Meet the Geldermans'...

Parents: Dawn and Arnie 

Dawn: (aka...mother hubbard, Dawnie, Mom, Neenah, Maja...)

My mom, Dawn, works at a locally owned whimsical art gallery and she is amazing at working with customers and helping anyone and everyone find their "inner artist". Not only did she raise 4 kids but we all managed to survive, be brought to church, eat, have clean underwear, participate in any and all sports that we wanted to and participate in extra curricular activities and spend time with friends. She is/was our mom, confidant, taxi, spiritual advisor and so SO much more. She dealt with me and my siblings, Erin, Peter and Jonathon and somehow (even through all the years of torture) she still loves us AND wants to be around us! Ha! My mom is strong, confident, a wonderful example of a woman of Christ and such an amazing mom, wife, Neenah to my kids and friend to others. :-) I know I will never be able to be exactly like her, but I'm trying my best. I got my spunk, love for cooking, love of decorating, and artsy fartsy side of me all from her.

Arnie: (aka...Arn, Arnoldous, Elder Gelder, Arnie, Dad, Faja, Papa, Bank (haha), get the picture, right?!)

My dad is smart. He knows everything. How he knows everything, I'm not sure...but I'd like the book about "everything". I think I get my love of entrepreneurship from my dad. He has always worked hard to buy and build up his own business. Arn is a civil engineer. I remember as kids while driving, my dad would point out different landfills that he had engineered. I remember him taking us to fly kites on the top of one that he "designed" (designing landfills...crazy!) on the fourth of July and then laying on top of it watching fireworks once it got dark. We thought we were SO COOL because we were VIP at this landfill because my dad was Arnold Geldermans, Civil Engineer. :-) Laugh if you want...but we were landfill royalty. Ok Ok...that's a little much but as a kid I thought it was SO COOL that my dad designed landfills, bridges, parking lots, neighborhood developments etc...My dad is an amazing example of a dad, husband and papa. He is trustworthy, hilarious, great business person and has always pushed us to be our best. I get my temper, drive for owning my own businesses, weird sense of humor and passion for financial freedom from him. :-)

Siblings: Anna, Erin, Peter and Jonathon

Erin: (sorry...not gonna give away her nicknames...too many of our secrets are in those names...)

My BEAUTIFUL sister. Truth be told, growing up I constantly wanted to punch her in the throat for stealing my jewelry, clothes, pencils, cheap make up, shoes (oh wait...she has huge feet she couldn't ever fit into my shoes! ha!) and just my stuff. You know your "stuff" as a teenager? It's uber important and it was obvi I wanted her to leave it alone. I even went as far as putting a lock on my door to keep her out. But, I guess copying is the best form of flattery right?! Anyway, my sister and I are 4 years apart, which proved difficult in ever being truly close growing up. But, as we've gotten older, wiser, more wrinkly and moved out of the same house I can honestly say she is my best friend. She is beautiful, intelligent, so passionate for life/clean eating and making the world a better place. My kids ADORE her, especially Vaelyn, and honestly...when I grow up...I wanna be like her. :-) I really want to be like all of my family...each member for different reasons. So cool how God put our family together. In fact, my sister is coming here tomorrow!!! So...I will probably get in trouble for making fun of her a little bit on here. Oopsie! Love you sister.

Peter: (genius. that is all. well....Pedro is what we call this genius. My kids call him Unky Pete)

The oldest of my younger brothers, Peter is basically a mini-Arn with just a bit more artistic flare. Oh boy....I'm gonna get it for this...but my brother Peter taught me how to knit. He is so creative and secure in himself...I wish I was more like that. He is currently going to Purdue and studying engineering. He is so freaking smart it's scary. You know how people say, "He's a rocket scientist!" I can legit brother, Pedro, is a rocket scientist. He is working for GE Aviation every other trimester and is making a difference in all of our everyday lives. He works on how to make plane engines work better, faster and more efficient. He works on helicopter propellers and how to help them stand up more efficiently to enemy fire...pretty much...he's amaze balls. He is funny, has the same weird sense of humor that me and my dad do. I would say that my dad, Peter and I are the most alike among our family of 6. We are high strung, short tempered, yell a lot and are penny pinchers. haha. Maybe that's why the 3 of us butt heads the most...anyway, Peter always teaches me something new, plays forts and pirates with my kids and is just a big kid at heart....we are just trying to get him to let that kid out a bit more. :-)


Jonathon: (Ron, Jon, J-Boy, JA, Unky Ron...)

The baby. I think Ern (no, that's not a typo, we call her Ern) and Pete would agree...Jon is the baby and that's ok! We always joke that we each kind of represent a different accomplishment or future accomplishment. Apparently, I'm the grandkid-giver, Erin is the amazing artist/nutritionist, Peter is the rocket scientist-smarty pants, and Jonathon is the life saver/future olympic athlete. Jonathon is a swimmer and water polo player just like his big sis Anna was! I'm so proud. :-) He went state for both sports and excelled. He looks like Michael Phelps and if he really wanted to, I know he could've swam and/or played polo for a college team. But, he chose to concentrate on school and I'm so proud of him for that decision. My brother is currently going to WCC in Ann Arbor and is also in an EMT program. He wants to save lives and make a difference. That my friends is a good person. He ALSO is planning on joining the Coast Guard...big sister doesn't like this because it makes me afraid, but my brother is passionate about this and because of that, I (and the rest of us) will support him. My brother Jonathon ranks higher than even me with my kids. Unky Jon plays forts, soccer, "frow" game and all kinds of crazy games with my kids. I am proud of the man he is becoming and what an awesome son, brother, uncle and friend he is to so many people. If he is in your life, you're lucky.

Basically, my family is awesome. Don't mess with us...we stick close together and have each others backs always. I am thankful to the Lord for giving me such amazing parents and siblings. I only hope I can give my kids the same kind of wonderful family dynamic that I had growing up...basically, we need to add 2 more kids to create the ultimate chaos...ready Jeff?! :-) hahaha

You'll hear in future blog posts about all kinds of crazy stuff we did and said and had to wear....for parents always took us on these amazing of which was to Sea World. My mom was so paranoid about losing one of us that she made us all dress in khaki shorts and MATCHING bright purple (that's right folks, BRIGHT purple) polo shirts. Gag. be fair, no one got lost...just wet from Shamu. :-) Elder Gelder still wears his purple polo sometimes I think... ;) I WILL find a pic of us in those purple shirts and share in a later post...for we are:

L-R: Anna, Jon, Pedro, Erin, Jeff and V in the middle.
We're cray cray and we know it!

Yup. They're awesome. :-) Papa and Neenah with Vaelyn and Maddox
All in all, I am very blessed and so thankful for every single person in these photos. They are my life. 

Thanks for reading!
Anna and the Gelds family

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Stripes Ahoy!

So, I have always always always been afraid of painting any kind of stripes...but this time I was willing to try it because I though it would compliment my dream of doing a monkey/pirate room for my little boy, Maddox. :-) 

The mister and I went to work and after some thoughts on "measuring and penciling" stripes and making sure the lines were straight (and my anxiety getting OUT of control thinking about crooked lines) I decided to use something cause a chalk liner to help us have the perfect straight line to use our blue painters tape. 

I am posting pics and directions below as well as things the mister and I realized we should do and should NOT do...enjoy!

Supplies Needed:
- Chalk Line Reel
- Blue Painters Tape
- Measuring Tape
- Pencil
- Current wall paint color
- New paint color for stripes

Step 1: Decide how wide or skinny you want your stripes. I decided to do some different sizes and I decided to do horizontal stripes to make the room seem wider. If you feel like you need to add some height to the room, do vertical. :-) 

Step 2: After deciding how large/small/thick/skinny you want your stripes to be, bust out your trusty measuring tape and measure (for example 12 inches) from the top of the ceiling or previous stripe. Measure and make 3 marks long the wall. 

Step 2: Measure! 
Step 3: After making 3 marking across to make sure your chalk line will be in the right space and straight, take your awesome and amazing chalk line reel (you'll need a helper for this one!) and your helper goes to one side of the room and you go to the other. Both of you hold the chalk reel and make sure the line is taught and lines up with the 3 markings and.....(my favorite part)....SNAP THAT CHALK LINE BABY!!!! It creates this amazing and SUPER straight blue chalk line! Your chalk reel and painters tape will look like this:

Step 4: After you snap those chalk lines, grab your blue painters tape and SLOWLY and carefully follow the chalk line and press the blue tape against the chalk line. Repeat until all your lines are chalked and taped! After all your lines are taped, take a credit (oops sorry Dave Ramsey...) take your DEBIT card or library card or whatever and smooth out any and all bubbles/lines/snags etc from the tape. This will help ensure smooth, perfect lines. Your tape will now look like this:

Step 4 (my mister is amazing!)
Step 4
Step 5: Here is where your current wall/paint color comes in handy! This may seem tedious and like too much extra work but it makes the WORLD of difference in clean, crisp and perfect stripes! Take your current paint color and take a cut-in brush and brush every single edge of painters tape. What this does is seal the edges of the painters tape where you might have missed. That way any leaks, bubbles or bleeding happens with the current paint color instead of the new one that you'll be painting. This creates the perfect line. Your wall should now resemble this: 

Step 5

Step 5 (looks bad but it's SO good!)
Step 6: Now is the moment!!! It's here!! Time to add your fabulous colors to your stripes!! We added multiple colors and we planned it out ahead of time so we didn't make a crazy mistake the day of! ha! Anyway...I let our paint dry 4 hours before peeling off the tape. When you peel off the tape peel away and down at a 45 degree angle to ensure no paint coming off with the tape. :-) And for the reveal....

Step 6- YAY! 

Step 6 - BOOM! Victory!

So folks...there ya have it!! Fabulous stripes...not too many tears or hair pulling...and his room looks AMAZING!!!! Thanks for reading....I am posting the rest of Maddox's Pirate room reveal in a few! 

Love you all! Muah!

Anna & the Mister :-)